
Whether you are actually about to list your home for sale or simply looking for a way to boost curb appeal, you need to look at the exterior of the property. While it’s true that the interior matters the most, there is a lot to be said for first impressions.
Is your garage filled to the brim with boxes, tools, toys, and doo-dads that you probably don’t need and that you certainly can’t navigate through and around any longer? It is high time that you did something about this problem, and one of the best and simplest ways to do it is with a garage sale.
Many homeowners know that their garage is often a cool and dry spot at almost any time of year, but especially during the heat of summer. It protects the car and keeps lots of belongings safe and secure, but it can do a lot more than that.
At a glance, most garage doors can seem pretty similar. This is particularly true for insulated garage doors with the same R‑value (or RSI). Does that mean that if two doors have the same RSI, they offer comparable protection?
Whether you’ve moved multiple times in your life, or you’re leaving your first home, there’s one thing that we can all agree on: packing up the garage is never any fun.
Turning your house into the place where you feel at home means that you want to see your style reflected in every detail. In the last few years, garage door manufacturers have been adding many new styles to their catalogues so that you can make the first entrance you see to your home exactly what you want.
You do not buy garage doors every day, so you may not be aware of how to research before making a purchase. First, you should treat a garage door like any other major purchase.
So, you’ve decided to build a garage. If you haven’t decided whether you will build an attached or detached garage, we have some insight into factors that can help you decide. This can help you make a more educated decision based on pros and cons and your own personal situation.
You don’t have to be an expert to take small steps that ensure your garage door operates well for years to come. Doing these small inspections will only take a few minutes.
Wouldn’t you like to make a change in your garage and turn it into the space you know it can be? Perhaps you’ve always had a great idea for your garage, but you never got around to making the changes and getting everything into shape. It’s time that you made the change.

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