
Are you thinking about adding a heating system to your garage? Or you might be thinking of replacing one that is starting to get a bit old.
To my ladies reading this, you know that you do it all. You work long hours, run carpool duty, remember to buy birthday cards, book pediatrician appointments, and still get dinner on the table before 7 o'clock. At the end of a long, never-ending day, all you want is a place to veg out and have the one glass of pinot before you have to do it all over again the next day. This is why more and more women are advocating for a she shed.
"I love stepping into my garage for some DIY or a session at our home gym to hot and humid air," said NO ONE, ever! Whether you find your garage is hot and humid or cool and damp, neither is healthy nor inviting. And while you dislike it, the interior also suffers mold, mildew, rust and corrosion. And whether you live in an area with cold, wet winters or hot and humid stretches, it is all the same. So, here are some tips to reduce humidity in your garage all year round.
Garages just keep getting bigger. Today’s homes have garages that are taller and wider than those of yesteryear. In fact, it is not uncommon for a garage to have ceilings that are 9, 12, or even 14-feet tall. That provides homeowners with lots of additional space, but it also creates some serious problems, particularly when it comes to automatic garage door openers.
If you are like most people, you probably don’t know a whole lot about the springs that make your garage door function properly. In fact, you may not even know that your garage door requires springs! There is no shame in it, of course. Garage doors may be our specialty, but we know that they aren’t exactly on the top of the list for most people.
Nowadays, with the Internet at everyone’s fingertips, you can see all sorts of myths being spread and many people don’t bother to find out the truth. You might not believe it, but myths exist about garage door systems.

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